And the winner is.......(drumroll).........Catherine Bierbach!
Catherine, just email Beth at bocabeth@bocabeth.com. Congratulations! I hope your boys enjoy the CD as much as we have.
It really is effortless learning. Lainey and I practiced our spanish tonight at Chic-Fil-A. Visit Boca Beth's Blog for more free giveaways and go to BocaBeth.com for some GREAT Pre-Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales!

From Beth's site: "And for shopping this coming weekend and into Cyber-Monday (who came up with these names?!?!?!) enjoy 30% off at BocaBeth.com plus free shipping....bocarocks (discount code) = 30% off any CD or DVD and 20% off any language learning set on our web site today through and including Monday, 12.01.08 only (then it's back to 20% off the CDs & DVDs and 10% off the sets)"