Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Time to announce our drawing for the free Boca Beth CD "Boca Beth My First Songs in Spanish" CD along with a musical shaker.
And the winner is.......(drumroll).........Catherine Bierbach!

Catherine, just email Beth at bocabeth@bocabeth.com. Congratulations! I hope your boys enjoy the CD as much as we have.

It really is effortless learning. Lainey and I practiced our spanish tonight at Chic-Fil-A. Visit Boca Beth's Blog for more free giveaways and go to BocaBeth.com for some GREAT Pre-Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales!

From Beth's site: "And for shopping this coming weekend and into Cyber-Monday (who came up with these names?!?!?!) enjoy 30% off at BocaBeth.com plus free shipping....bocarocks (discount code) = 30% off any CD or DVD and 20% off any language learning set on our web site today through and including Monday, 12.01.08 only (then it's back to 20% off the CDs & DVDs and 10% off the sets)"


Thursday, November 13, 2008

Window Shopping

If you haven't visited my blogshop lately you should come take a look around! New Blogs, new navigation, easier to reach Friends pages, lots to see. You can find any of My Gifted Friend pages links on the left sidebar, but just below are live/updated links to their blogs. You can quickly see new products by the thumbnails listed as well as information on when they were last updated. Sara Ellen, Jada, and Linley have brand new blogs- access any of them from My Gifted Friends.

Another neat thing is I'm taking my blogshop "on tour" around the blogosphere. If you look down further below the Friends Blogs you'll see more links to places I've applied My Gifted Friends to be listed/advertised in their directories. Check back as this list will be added to as the blog grows.

We are also listed on Boca Beth's blog! Which reminds me, our November Freebie drawing is coming up soon! Get ready to sing in espanol! Make sure you're subscribed so your name is entered in the drawing for a a free Boca Beth CD "Boca Beth My First Songs in Spanish" CD along with a musical shaker for rhythm fun! Hasta Luego!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Linley's For Your Bug

Meet Linley Wynne. No seriously, MEET LINLEY WYNNE. If you already know her I know you agree, and if you get the chance to meet her you'll believe me. She is an extraordinary person- Linley is intellect meets humility, she is enthusiasm meets wisdom, she is athlete meets artist. The artist part is why I am introducing her on the blog. When not coaching soccer and taking care of her family and friends, Linley loves to paint! And she is embarking on a new businesses venture of painting signs "For Your Bug"s room. On of Linley's specialties is matching your kids bedding patterns, colors, or characters. See for yourself on her blog: http://www.foryourbug.blogspot.com/ or you can reach her directly via email: linleywynne@yahoo.com